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Intro to Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Intro to Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement: A Key Player to Restore Healthy Aging…

Understanding what hormones are and how they change as you age is an incredibly useful tool in your health journey.
In this article:

  1. What are Hormones?
  2. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) for Women
  3. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) for Men
  4. The Benefits of Using a Compounding Pharmacy for BHRT therapy.
  5. How Cellular Efficiency can Improve Bioidentical Hormone Optimization

What are Hormones?

Hormones are molecules synthesized in our body by specialized cells. They are released into the bloodstream by an organ and then create a multitude of biochemical reactions to receptor sites on cells throughout the rest of the body. 

Aging is heavily influenced by our hormones. As we age, the hormone receptors throughout our bodies become less sensitive and lose their ability to correctly respond. This is compounded by a decrease in hormone production. Additionally, we often develop antibodies against some hormones over time. These antibodies bind our hormones and reduce their efficacy, thus, measuring “normal” levels of hormones can often be misleading.

These changes in hormone levels and efficacy can lead to decreased healing, cellular senescence and eventual disease and death. Our hormones work in many known and unknown ways to improve every part of our daily function, including but not limited to:

  • Metabolism
  • Energy
  • Sense of well-being
  • Muscle maintenance
  • Mental capacity
  • Sexual function and desire
  • Sleep cycles

Some people lose their hormones’ function or usefulness earlier in life due to various factors. This can lead to premature aging and many chronic diseases. Risk factors for premature hormone loss are including but not limited to the following:

  • Genetic variation from the norm (i.e. early menopause)
  • Medical interventions (i.e. hysterectomy or orchiectomy)
  • Poor lifestyle habits (such as diet and exercise)
  • Poor sleep habits

Even those with the best lifestyle, however, will still need help with hormone replacement as they age. Under medical supervision, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can help you reach optimal levels of your youth. This therapy combined with an optimized lifestyle can help you add vitality to your years.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) for Women

For women, menopause leads to many noticeable changes in our bodies. As per a multitude of medical studies and observations, women are typically much healthier than men in their 40s and 50s but once menopause hits, things turn for the worst. Hot flashes are the most obvious change but other subtle ones include:

  • Decreased mental clarity
  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Thinning hair and skin
  • Decreased sexual desire
  • Pain during sex

Women also undergo additional, unnoticeable changes:

  • Decreased bone mass 
  • Increased abdominal girth and fat, increased inflammation to your organs
  • Increased insulin resistance and metabolic disease (i.e. diabetes)
  • Increased heart disease leading to heart failure and death
  • Dementia

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) for Men

For men, hormone deficiency changes may be more subtle and insidious in onset. A few examples of how their bodies may change are as follows:

  • Increased abdominal fat and weight gain
  • Higher chance of metabolic disease 
  • Heart disease, heart failure and stroke
  • Decreased bone density
  • Fatigue
  • Decreased sexual desire
  • Decreased erections or ability to have sex

Testosterone deficiency optimally should be treated before full erectile dysfunction occurs. Once erectile dysfunction occurs this is proof you already have some form of metabolic disease or heart disease which can lead to heart attack, stroke and death. By preventatively replenishing the youthful levels of a man’s testosterone hormone we can possibly prevent these compounding health problems.

Bioidentical Hormone Production

Thousands of scientific studies have been performed over many decades proving the multitudes of benefits of adding bioidentical hormones back into our systems, however, powerful pharmaceutical companies have regulated how most providers prescribe bioidentical hormones. Due to a lack of monetary advantage, these pharmaceutical companies regulate the hormone combination and dose rather than correctly prescribing hormone replacement therapies based on what suits each individual’s needs.

Individualized bioidentical hormones are generally manufactured by licensed compound pharmacies. They require a qualified doctor to prescribe to patients. Below are the bioidentical hormones currently being produced:

  • Thyroid
  • Testosterone
  • Estrogen
  • Progesterone
  • DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)
  • Melatonin
  • Vitamin D (High dose)

The molecule of the bioidentical hormone is exactly like the hormones made by your body. These hormones are natural but need to have a specific molecular structure. They are not the same as supplements or nutraceuticals. We always refer to the hormones we prescribe as ‘bioidentical hormones’ and avoid using the term ‘natural’ because natural often refers to a plant or herb that in some cases can increase your own production of hormones. This increase, however, only works if your body is already producing hormones and it is usually not a significant increase. With BHRT, we’re able to take a blood sample and follow hormone levels before and during treatment. This is a concrete and measurable way to calculate how the therapy is specifically working for your body.

If you’re interested in learning more about BHRT, feel free to set up a consultation with Newman MD LifeCare via our website. We can discuss how this may or may not be a suitable treatment plan for you.

Cellular Efficiency and Cellular Metabolism:

Disease and imbalance starts at the bodies cellular level, therefore Dr. Newman’s approach to hormone imbalance starts by improving how the cell functions.  Many patients benefit from the use of Peptides in conjunction with bioidentical hormone replacement.  These cell messengers (peptides) act directly inside the cell to improve the cells natural functions including hormone production and utilization. 

Maybe it’s time to Rethink Aging with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

Did you know

that the current medical societies for women suggest that hormones be given for a short prior of time only during the change of life without consideration to the multitude of long term medical complications that occur from hormone loss?


Boothby L, Doering P, Kipersztok S. 2004. Bioidentical hormone therapy: a review. Menopause. May-Jun 11(3):356-67

Rouzier, Neal. 2012. How to Achieve Healthy Aging. Second Edition. Worldlink Medical Publishing.<

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